How to keep muscle while losing fat

Did you know that the risk of losing muscle is high on a fat loss plan? Especially if you don't have a proper nutrition and training plan.

If you have little muscle or lose it, your metabolism will slow down, you will gain flaccidity and you will not oxidize fat as efficiently as you would with a good percentage of muscle mass.

To preserve your muscle mass in a fat loss plan you must:

  1. Lift weight and lift heavy (forgive the redundancy). This way you prevent the caloric deficit along with cardiovascular exercise from completely destroying your #gainz, since you are constantly stimulating them. In this way you prevent catabolism or use of proteins (muscle) as an energy substrate. And although it will not increase the existing mass (or it will do so in small quantities), at least it will be protected.
  2. Eat enough protein. Protein helps you maintain the composition of your muscles, as it is responsible for building and preserving tissues (protein synthesis). In a calorie deficit plan, it is always suggested to consume a high % of protein within healthy limits.
  3. Don't overdo it with cardio. Although cardiovascular exercise is key in a stage of fat loss, when you abuse it you stimulate the use of proteins as an energy substrate. After a while of training, your body stops using fat and carbohydrates for energy and takes protein instead. Don't overdo it to prevent this from happening.
  4. Do HIIT or high intensity cardio. Being an intense workout that is performed in a short time, it does not greatly compromise the use of muscle as an energy substrate.
  5. Rest. If you don't rest you are prone to overtraining and fatigue your muscles. This can compromise your muscle mass. Sleep at least 7 or 8 hours a day, do not train the same muscle group 2 days in a row and rest at least 1 day per week.
  6. Not having a very large caloric deficit. It is logical that to lower your fat percentage you must reduce your caloric intake, but try to do it prudently. The larger your deficit, the greater the risk of losing mass.

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